dummy.bin contains good 4bpp tiles at the end those don't show up in SMILE?? they do, but they're not used... that's the CRE elements Common Room Elements usually the first screen of graphics in other rooms Ceres doesn't use them SMILE still sticks them at the end, just in case higher values get thrown in by the user -Parasyte- DCC Send test-1.png ( -Parasyte- DCC Send test-2.png ( tell me if these mean anything to you good or not, they'll mean something... it's the thought that counts hehe test-1 was incompletely sent though -Parasyte- DCC Send test-1.png ( test-1 actually resembles the ceres shaft o_O hmmm... incomplete again... damn it wtf have you done!! http://www.dragoneyestudios.net/hosted/parasyte/test-1.png hmm... it has the basic shapes of the shaft... but not the graphics:-( heheh it's VRAM why you laughing you suck I laugh because it's VRAM vram doesn't help me though... or does it? I've figured it out.. I think really?!! yes can you tell me... absolutely the block number in the ceres shaft at 3,0 (x,y) not graphics, but level?? right kk... one sec is it 146, by any chance? or 147, eh upper left-most 16x16-pixel block would be 0,0 bts (after level data) of that tile is $41 . . .getting other values now that's what you need to add to SMILE 134 I believe... but checking Para: what's that? a little thingy that tells you the block number your mouse is hovering over I had that actually... once it became less buggy, it was taken out 133 and 16 (block ID and pattern byte) $41 <-- bts pattern byte? blockID basically tells 00-FF, which tile # to use . . . pattern byte tells orientation, density, what section of graphic sheet to use, etc... BlockPattern, I believe is what DJ calls it oh, right that block is the one from one of the diagnal stripes, correct? can't remember... checking yes it is hmm ahhhah OK, none of that crap applies when you draw ceres shaft, k? minor correction... 3,0(x,y) is not 133... it's 128 doesn't matter I was counting from 1, not 0 damn do you know what does matter then? check out dummy.bin the first $5000 bytes of that file... that's what matters the format is pretty simple, but extremely annoying all bytes on an even address create a map k? those are tile numbers you talking graphics or level? The map size is 128x128 bytes aaaahh can't explain..... it's a tile map the actual level this data is the actual level data+ graphics so anyway, that's the map data you will use to draw the tiles the tile data is all the bytes on odd addresses :P even addresses = level data yes graphics = odd addresses so... what would the graphics I was rendering be for? they're crap, I know, but a stair case is partially visible in it if you copy only the even bytes and place them into an array, you're left with the level data as 128x128 tiles (the tiles are 8x8 pixels each) but... the room is only 16 tiles wide??? then if you copy only the odd bytes and place it into an array, that's the tile data. the tile data is much different though. each byte is one pixel take a look: http://www.dragoneyestudios.net/hosted/parasyte/test-1.png the stuff on the right is empty space that's all the level data drawn as colors instead of tiles do you have anything showing graphics? you say they're 1bpp?? kinda, but it's all grey scale do you have a palette you can send? 256-color palette for ceres :D atm, no greyscale is fine though:-D it's incredibly difficult to make anything out except the checker border and the diagnol stripes harder than what I've got? um.. kind of I have what *should* be the palette, but that was assuming what I had was the graphics . . . also, that wasn't 256 colors what you assumed to be the graphics (dummy.bin) certainly is but this explains why I was having difficulty when I originally tried figuring out level data in the game (pre-SABS) . . . I was using this room as my test room, since it was the quickest to get to yeah, icky :P but... you said the level data was where the graphics were level data and graphics are interlaced it may actually be only for the graphics though what SMILE is drawing is probably for the actual clipping and all that stuff well, the bin file I sent you is what is normally just the graphics . . . the level data comes from an area thousands of kb's away yes this is still a graphics format, it's just waaaaaayyy different than what you're used to isn't there a way to get a palette dump using a save state and tlp? so, I should consider the graphics to be 2bpp, but only the odd bytes are used... no, graphics are m7 there's supposed to be a way, but I've never gotten it to work I thought mode 7 was 8bpp? it's... m7 vram, really the vram format uses this interlacing also but if I just do the odd bytes, I should end up with an 4bpp array? no these tiles have no bitplanes just one byte per pixel * Jathys forgot that 64 consecutive bytes creates one 8x8 tile but every other byte is the way to go not every other? I mean after you extract all the even bytes ahhh odd bytes whatever.. once those are seperated so, if it's not for level data, any idea what the even bytes would be for??? yes! that's how the tiles are drawn it's a tile map odd I mean the non-graphic bytes (sorry if my brain is upsetting you) yes, it's a tile-map let me convert this palette and I'll send you the tile data you already have the tilemap... test-1.png :) haha but... isn't that the level data? if that's the level data, then what do I have where the level data is supposed to be?? sweet I got it http://www.dragoneyestudios.net/hosted/parasyte/ceres.png magnify it a few times :) that's definitely it... I'm still a bit confused about it, but think I have enough to figure out what you did:-D anyone ever tell you that you're a good person? well, you are no, I mostly get crap about how I'm a bad person :D haha tell me what all that orange crap is in ceres.png??? when it's blowing up... doors are burnt out orange/yellow palette changing ahh please add ceres to SMILE before release tonight? :D maybe... doing a state editor now if not tonight, an "unexpected" release tomorrow and most of Ceres IS in there already:-D hahaha yes just can't figure out why they've got those 2 rooms that use a messed up format what IS already there is a block map for samus to interact with I'd say it's because it rocks back and forth when blowing up, but ridley's room isn't there? Para: only 2 rooms of Ceres are like this... the others are normal I suspect that the tilemap interlaced with the tiles is only to draw the room if you change that tilemap, the room can be drawn different, but samus will still interact with the room as if none of the walls had moved if you understand that... oh, and ridley's room is the same because ridly is a big ass mode7 layer like when he flies towrds you at the end of the fight so... the graphic portion is placed in order as it appears on the screen then? (ie- instead of being the "jumbled order" of other graphic sets) the tilemap defines which tiles are drawn where with the normal rooms, the block map you're using defines how those are drawn (obviously) I think I get this now... odd bytes = graphics even = tile map yes tilemap is basically a gigantic mother fucker of a tsa block instead of a 2x2 block though, it's huge bingo gotcha merci beaucoup beaucoup the graphics format is sexy what about the palette? where'd you get that from? each byte being one pixel, means you have to have the entire 256-color palette loaded in order to draw the proper color I used a save state :) opened with my hacked TLP 1.1 (fixed the SNES palette bug) damn you haha saved that as a TLP file, and wrote a quick program to convert it to Adove Color Table format and of course, a simple load into Photoshop and it was done * Jathys will need to find the pointer for the 256 color palette then... unless the palette pointer I have is correct (will see tonight) send to me I can verify palette as bin? yup hold on... need to open it up again do you want the SNES palette, or the palette converted to PC? the actual data snes palette it si then;_D If that is what you call it! hahahahahaha it's only 256 bytes wait... duh... was think SNES colors took 2 bytes for some reason they... do fuck so, that's not the palette send it anyway I did ooooh *** Sending "ceres_colors.bin" to Parasyte *** DCC SEND connection (ceres_colors.bin) with Parasyte established *** DCC SEND (ceres_colors.bin) to Parasyte is complete (0.2500k/sec) it is nearly a perfect match with the first half of the palette whooo the byte at $0053 is different close? second half of the palette might come from the 2nd palette (ie- exploding palette)??? second half of the palette is samus et al the largest palette entry used by the graphics data is $7F, anyway which is the last palette entry you've got, there oh, and the byte at $0053 is $47 in my palette ahhh... so the second half of the palette would be unused I don't think it will make much of a difference that's right Whoo hoo!