Enemy data table stored in bank A0 example data: geemer/zoomer (DCFF) metal geemer/zoomer (DD3F) homing geemer/zoomer (DC3F) ______________________ enemy_data - $40 bytes ______________________ 0006 B0E5 0F00 0500 0800 0800 A3 00 23 00 0000 69E6 0100 0100 C2E6 0A80 4C80 4180 0000 00 00 00000000 0000 000000000000 2380 2D80 0000 0080AE 05 24F2 48EC DBE1 0006 D0E5 0F00 0500 0800 0800 A3 00 23 00 0000 69E6 0100 0100 C2E6 0A80 4C80 4180 0000 00 00 00000000 0000 000000000000 2380 2D80 0000 0080AE 05 02F3 D4ED C7DF 0006 A2DF 0F00 0500 0800 0800 A3 00 23 00 0000 43E0 0100 0000 8BE0 0A80 4C80 4180 0000 00 00 00000000 0000 000000000000 2380 2D80 0000 0080AE 05 FCF2 48EC F5DE ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ yy ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ xxyy ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ yy xxyyxxyy ^^^^ xxyyxxyyxxyy ^^^^ ^^^^ xxyy ^^^^^^ yy ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ tile pal hp dmg wide high Bank # of hurt Boss AI Part Norm Grap Hurt Froz XRay die PB Tch. Beam Tile | | | | get ptr Ptr "hurt" snd. num Init Cnt. Move AI AI AI or anim Pntr Pntr Pntr Pointr | | | name pointer lgth frames 0=>1 AI? Rsrv | | pointer to enemy resistances ??? 0=>4 AI | pointer to enemy drop chances background/foreground Bytes 00-01: Size of tile data. If minus, use room population index for offset to copy to VRAM (6X00, actually C000 - DE00) Bytes 02-03: pointer to the color pallete Bytes 04-05: Enemy HP Bytes 06-07: Damage from contact with enemy Bytes 08-09: *2 = number of pixels wide the enemy is? Bytes 0A-0B: *2 = number of pixels high the enemy is? Byte 0C: Pointer to bank, used with other pointers Byte 0D: Number of frames to run 'hurt' AI when hit, +8 = number of frames an enemy will flash if it's hurt. If #$00, #$04 is used instead? Byte 0E-0F: Sound played when enemy is hit Bytes 10-11: Special boss fight value Bytes 12-13: Initialization(?) AI Bytes 14-15: How many 'parts' this enemy is, 0 being understood to be 1. Seems to be almost unused in practice... MB does use it though. Bytes 16-17: Unknown Bytes 18-19: Pointer to main movement AI. (Gives Ripper IIs fire tails) Bytes 1A-1B: Grapple reaction. See below. Bytes 1C-1D: Extra AI routine. (Metroid latching) (Normally hit reaction?) Bytes 1E-1F: Extra AI routine. (Frozen AI, I think) Bytes 20-21: Extra AI routine. (Reserve Tank/X-Ray pause AI) Side note: 18 - 21 all seem to carry out basic movement Byte 22-23: Animation played when enemy dies. If 00 or 01 and killed by super missile, use 02 instead. Bytes 24-27: Unknown Bytes 28-29: Pointer to Powerbomb reaction (if 0000, uses 8037 instead; normal power bomb susceptibility) Bytes 2A-2F: Unknown Bytes 30-31: Pointer to Touch Action Bytes 32-33: Pointer to Projectile Action Bytes 34-35: Unknown Bytes 36-38: Long Pointer to Tile pallete Byte 39: Layer control (02 = In front of Samus, 05 = behind Samus, in front of background, 0B = behind background) Bytes 3A-3B: Pointer to enemy's item drop chances, often used by multiple enemies (bank B4) Bytes: 1 = Energy, 2 = Big Energy, 3 = Missiles, 4 = nothing, 5 = super missiles, 6 = power bombs 14 0A 55 82 05 05 Bytes 3C-3D: Pointer to enemy's resistances, often used by multiple enemies (bank B4) Bytes 3E-3F: Pointer to enemy's name (bank B4) Grapple actions: ## 00 = crash 00 80 = Grapple ignores enemy, enemy pauses one frame. Will unfreeze frozen enemies 01-04 80 = Grapple ignores enemy, enemy stops movement 05 80 = Grapple latches on to enemy, enemy stops until released 06 80 = Grapple ignores enemy, enemy stops movement 07-08 80 = Grapple curves, enemy unaffected 09 80 = Enemy stops 0A 80 = Grapple latches on to enemy, kills enemy 0B-0D 80 = Grapple curves, enemy unaffected 0E 80 = Grapple ignores enemy, enemy stops movement 0F 80 = Grapple is stopped by enemy, enemy not affected 14 80 = Grapple latches on to enemy, no effect on enemy 19 80 = Grapple latches on to enemy, enemy dies in about 1/4 a second 1E 80 = Grapple latches on to enemy for a moment, Samus is hurt and knocked off 23 80 = Grapple latches on to enemy for a moment, Samus is hurt once a frame for 1 damage until killed 28 80 = Grapple latches on to enemy for a moment, Samus is hurt once a frame for 1 damage until killed. Enemy is frozen 37 80 = Grapple ignores enemy, enemy is killed 3C 80 = Grapple ignores enemy, enemy stops movement and becomes untouchable 4B 80 = Crash Enemy resistance stuff for beams: If base beam resistance is FF, play the frozen sound if not already frozen, and set everything for frozen (see below). Done If charge beam and charge beam resistance is FF or X0, or the total damage is 0: Kill the beam, make a dud explosion at the beam's X/Y (#$0006 in $16, JSL $B4BC26), and play the dud sound. Done Set hurt time and hurt AI If not already frozen, play hurt sound and inc $0E2E (unknown) If plasma, set intangible timer to 10 If new health will be =< 0: Freeze if beam is ice, resistance is not 8X, enemy isn't already frozen Set freeze timer to 400 frames normally, 300 in Norfair, set frozen AI, set intangible for 0A frames, and play frozen sound. Health is not affected. Done If new health will be > 0, subtract it. Done